- Design and sales of Cotton Fabric => SoftCactus.be
- Design and sales of Viscose Fabric for Ladies and Little Ladies => SeeYouAtSix.be
onto object

The goal, satisfaction and helping in continuously automating and improving the business of the customer, is my very first focus. Secondly, I try to continuously learn and get better in the different aspects of creating working environments where daily processes and personal motivations can go hand in hand. I also try to encourage fellow colleagues and actually all people I know to evolve towards their individual goals and interests and find their real passions.
More than 15 years ago I started as a .net software developer and the more I got experienced in OOD, DDD, TDD, architectures, patterns, code generation,... the more I got devoted to it. The last 9 years, project management and coaching took over a very large part of my time and interests.
The Agile principles & practices are always present as a common line in all of this, because they guide us in achieving both high professionalism and personal motivation and growth. Whether I’m supporting and helping out on business processes, management or development processes, I always enjoy creativity, design, self organization & entrepreneurship.
Nowadays Naomi's fabrics are getting so big that I'm throwing myself fulltime in this great adventure.
See: SeeYouAtSix.be
and SoftCactus.be
Linked In: Bart Biernaux
onto object bvba | tel | +32 476 20 44 07 | BTW | BE 0840.771.155 |
Lindestraat 11 | info[at]onto-object.be | RPR | RPR Hasselt | |
3920 Lommel | site | www.onto-object.be | IBAN | BE78 7310 2035 2086 |
Belgium | BIC | KREDBEBB |